Sunday 5 August 2012

Tanning Shop

Lincoln Tanning Shop

This year yet again the weather has been appalling so many of us have had to rely on the Tanning shop to get a tan out of the bottle.  But actually that is a much safer way of getting a sun tan, because as you are aware sunbathing does substantially increase the risk of skin cancer.

So when you visit the the tanning shop what are the self tan lotions you can buy and how do you measure one against the other.  

Unfortunately there is no easy answer to this as it depends on so many different factors. Such as what type of skin you have, how well you apply the self tan.

So it really is a case of trying the different brands of self tan that are available. Or alternatively you get a professional spray tan and you see the immediate results. Which for many is what they do as they do not have the patience to try the numerous brands of self tan lotions.